This is the final test for Menzuo. He must succeed or the end of all humanity will perish. He must face four different tasks and successfully complete them. As he enters each room, he must execute all that he has learned within the week’s time leading up to his battle and he does not fail to impress Solar and master Renzfly. Successful during each task, Menzuo is now focused and ready to face the Dark Warrior.
Chapter 20 The Tournament’s Final Day
During the Virtual Reality Tournaments final day, Jammal gets a special message from Barkley the dog. Also he finds out that his favorite rapper of all time is performing right before that beginning of the finals and that he has a huge secret of his own. Now with the format of the final’s being one on one battle’s Jammal quickly finds out that he will have to face his crush, Jessica in the final game. As things start to pick up in the final game, the entire planet Earth is at a stand still. The Dark Warrior is calling out for Menzuo and a portal has opened up above his head. Ready for his battle, Jammal quickly transforms into his power suit and is ready for action.
Chapter 21 The Battle
As the eerie cold feeling of the Dark Warrior circles Menzuo, he tries his best to stay focused. An intense battle erupts within seconds and Menzuo finds himself hanging with every punch and kick thrown by Morbid. As they back away for a second to measure each other up, something distracts Menzuo and gives Morbid the upper hand. As Menzuo falls from the sky, he is visited by Ms. Meeks and she reminds him of how he needs to stay focused and outsmart the Dark Warrior. Now ready, Menzuo returns to battle ready to finish him off.
Chapter 22 Morbid’s Demise
Just when Morbid thought that he had won the battle, Menzuo returns to finish the war. Now much more focused, Menzuo and Solar bait Morbid into thinking that he can absorb Menzuo’s energy. As he tries, Menzuo quickly destroys him from the inside out. As things move back to normal, Menzuo comes to that Solar was once his older brother, prince Kenshuo. Now with a stronger bond, Menzuo feels better to have not just a friend by his side but his brother. What could be better?
Chapter 23 Photo Finish
As Jammal returns to the Virtual Reality Tournament, all life on Earth is safe. Jammal must now try and turn his focus back on to winning the tournament, but Jessica has other plans in mind. As they both close in on their flags, they both realize that their will not be one champion. Ending in a tie, the Solar Warrior’s and Blade Runner’s are hoisted onto the shoulders of a cheering crowd. Jammal has saved the world from evil and is a videogame hero. It was the perfect beginning of his twelfth birthday.
Discussion on Each Chapters
1. What city and state was Jammal aka Menzuo, sent to in the beginning of the book? Ch.1
2. What is his real father’s name and where is he from? Ch. 1
3. Who are the two people adopting Jammal and where are they moving? Ch. 2
4. What happened on the plane ride with all of the passengers? Ch. 3
5. Who are the two families to first meet the Hall’s in Springfield? Ch. 4
6. What is Jammal’s protector’s name? Ch. 5
7. What does Solar say that Jammal’s given birth name is? Ch. 5
8. What does Solar tell Jammal in his dream about his Earth parents? Ch. 5
9. What is the reaction of Jammal’s parent’s when he asked them about him being adopted? Ch. 6
10. What happens to Jammal in the park when he is playing with Barkley and his friends? Ch. 7
11. What does Jammal’s power suit look like? Ch. 8
12. What are the three tests that Menzuo must complete before he can begin his training? Ch. 9
13. What does a Whistler look like? Ch. 9
14. What does Jammal do at the dinner table after passing his first big test to become a warrior? Ch. 10
15. What joke did Solar pull on Jammal? Ch. 11
16. What did Menzuo and Solar learn in the room of truth? Ch. 11
17. What type of tournament did Jammal, Jeffery and Michael enter at the arcades? Ch. 12
18. What did Jammal name the team that he entered into the tournament? Ch. 12
19. What is Menzuo’s master’s name? Ch. 13
20. What art of fighting will Menzuo learn? Ch. 13
21. What is the first move that master Renzfly tries to teach Menzuo? Ch. 13
22. What happens in the match against the overly confident team during the Virtual Reality Tournament? Ch. 14
23. Why was Jammal distracted during the tournament? Ch. 14
24. What gift did king Zenshuo give to Menzuo for his birthday? Ch. 15
25. What is the neighborhood bullies names? Ch. 16
26. What happens during their tournament match against the Solar Warriors? Ch. 16
27. What did master Renzfly do to make Menzuo focus? Ch. 17
28. What happened to Menzuo’s older brother in his battle against Morbid? Ch. 18
29. What tests did Menzuo have to complete in order to be ready for his battle against Morbid? Ch. 19
30. What rap star performed during the Virtual Reality Tournaments final day? Ch. 20
31. Who did Jammal have to face in the final game of the tournament? Ch. 20
32. What did Morbid learn about Solar during his battle against Menzuo? Ch. 21
33. Who visited Menzuo when he lay unconscious during his battle against Morbid? Ch. 21
34. How did Menzuo defeat Morbid? Ch. 22
35. Who did he save after his battle against Morbid? Ch. 22
36. Who won the final match of the Virtual Reality Tournament? Ch. 23
Compare the Two
Menzuo has to face a Pirate Warrior known as Morbid. Earth and the energy of all good and evil are in grave danger. With only a short amount of time to get ready for his upcoming battle, Menzuo must train hard.
Knowing that Menzuo is a protector and Morbid is an evil enemy, there is one thing that joins them together, they are both warriors. Find which qualities listed below that describes these two characters. Hold a discussion on each one.
Brave Cowardly
Selfless Selfish
Evil Honest
Protector Villain
Feared Respected
Good Evil
Savior Destroyer
Merciful Unmerciful
Confident Unsure
Writing Assignments
Many readers of all ages enjoy the Menzuo books. That means Keshawn Dodds must be writing in a way that appeals to lots of people—from children to adults. What do you enjoy most about his book(s)? Consider the following elements as you discuss your answer. (Write a detailed paper that you can discuss with your teacher and classmates.)
Ø Gripping plots.
Ø Vivid characters.
Ø Cliff-hangers for chapter endings.
Ø Descriptive language such as similes and metaphors.
Ø Important themes such as making friends, facing difficult problems, and surviving tough situations.
Ø Being able to explore space in a Science Fiction / Fantasy adventure.
The Teacher's Guide
This teacher’s guide is developed to help all teachers who are reading the, Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince book with their class. This guide will help the teachers to incorporate the book into various subject areas such as Language Arts (English), Math, Science and Social Studies. The Menzuo Teacher’s Guide is developed to give in-depth information on how a science fiction book can make learning fun in every subject.
Language Arts (English) - Teacher's Strategies
Ø Group Reading – The teacher can hold group readings to enhance fluency.
Ø End of Chapter Questions – To keep the student’s attention, the teacher’s can develop questions for the students to answer orally or written at the end of each chapter. By doing this, it will help the students recall the information that they have read. (Can use questions from the Discussion Guide as well)
Ø Menzuo Vocabulary Wall – The teacher and the students can work together and pull words from the book to create a vocabulary wall. By doing this, it will help to enhance the students use of their vocabulary.
Ø Menzuo Group Discussion – The teacher can lead a round table discussion about what the student’s liked and disliked about the book. Getting the students to interact with the teacher and each other about the book helps to build their oral speaking skills.
Ø Menzuo Book Report – After all of the students have completed the book, the teacher can assign the students to complete a two page book report. With writing prompts leading up to the completion of the book, the students will have an easier time completing the book report using their organizational writing skills.
Ø Write a Letter to Menzuo – The teacher can have each student write a letter to Jammal Hall / Menzuo. This can be a fun activity for the students to learn correct letter writing skills. Giving the students an opportunity to ask Jammal Hall / Menzuo specific questions that they may have about the book lets the teacher know that their students understood what they have read.
Ø Create Your Own Superhero – After reading Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince, the teacher can have each student try to create their own superhero. The students can give their superhero a name, powers and other special abilities. By doing this activity, the students will use their creative imagination in a very fun way.
Ø Menzuo Quiz – After reading the book, the teacher can give the students a quiz (Located in the Discussion Guide) which can be open or closed book. Testing the student’s knowledge of what they have read will help them to develop their test taking skill.
Ø Menzuo Trivia Game – The teacher can create a fun trivia game using information from the book. This can be done in teams so that the students can interact with each other to get the answers.
Ø Menzuo Crossword Puzzle – The teacher can create a Menzuo crossword puzzle using various words that the students have chosen from their Menzuo vocabulary word wall.
Math - Teacher's Strategies
Ø Menzuo Math Sentences – The teacher can create some fun math sentences using examples from Menzuo (Solar Warriors) Legend of the Blue Diamond. (Example: Menzuo can fly very, very fast. He can travel 500 yards in 2 seconds. How long will it take for Menzuo to travel 65,000 yards?)
Ø Measuring Distance in Space – Because Menzuo is the Universal Protector, he will have to travel into outer space throughout his adventures. The students can research on the internet the distance between Earth and its neighboring planets. (Example: Find the distance between Earth and Mars)
Ø Menzuo Bar Graph – The teacher can have the students create a Bar graph of various events that take place in the book. (Example: How many times does Menzuo train in his sleep ~ How many games does Jammal play in the Virtual Reality rooms ~ How many different people does Jammal meet in the book that are good or bad)
Ø Students Create Menzuo Word Math Problems – The teacher can have each student create their own math problem using Menzuo as the focal point. The students can then have other students try to answer their math problems.
Ø Menzuo Math Problems – The teacher can use Menzuo as a focal point to teach fractions, money word problem, addition, subtraction, multiplication and also division.
Science - Teacher's Strategies
Ø Teaching space with Jammal, aka, Menzuo – Because Menzuo is from another planet, the teacher can use Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince as an introduction to teaching a lesson on space.
Ø Introducing NASA to the Class – Space travel is exciting. The Teacher can teach students how astronauts train to go into space and how they use their space suits to survive out there (Interactive lesson). Teachers can use snow gloves to simulate how astronauts use their hands in space.
Ø Introducing Weightlessness – The teacher can teach the students how astronauts feel to be in space by simulating weightlessness using water and many different objects to teach buoyancy.
Ø Teaching Flight using Menzuo – Using the book is a great way to introduce a lesson on flying. Menzuo can fly and so can many different animals and objects. Have the student’s research to find out how many different animals and objects can fly.
Ø Teaching Heat with Menzuo – Menzuo is known as the Sun Prince. The sun is a very hot object that helps to keep the planet warm. Have the students find out more information about the sun and many other objects the keep us warm.
Social Studies - Teacher's Strategies
Ø History of Springfield, MA – Jammal Hall / Menzuo lives in Springfield, MA. The teacher can help the students research the History of Springfield. There are many great places and great moments that have taken place in Springfield that have a significant amount of historic value. (Example: The Basketball Hall of Fame; The Indian Motorcycle Building. etc.)
Ø History of NASA – Because NASA deals with space travel and so does Jammal Hall aka, Menzuo, this can be a great way for students to learn what exactly NASA does with space exploration.
Ø MENZUO TIME LINE – The teacher can have the students create a time line of events that take place throughout the book. Dating from his birth all the way up to his battle against Morbid on his twelfth birthday.
Ø History of Video Games – Just like many kids, Jammal Hall / Menzuo loves playing video games, especially virtual reality games. The students can research on the computer about how video games were created and how the development of the games has improved over the years.
Ø History of Science Fiction Books – Have the students research the history of science fiction books and how the genre was created. This will help them to understand how people’s imaginations have helped to shape our world.
From this guide, teacher's, students and the regular Menzuo fan can gain a better understanding of the book and each of it's chapters. Keep an eye out for the Discussion Guide for Menzuo S.W. (Solar Warriors) ~ Legend of the Blue Diamond.