To Whom It May Concern:
Please take good care of my son Jammal. He is very special to me and he will be as special to your world. He is very exceptional and is only looking to be raised like any normal child would want to be. I hope that whoever he is with on this planet, will love and care for him like he deserves. Also, please be very careful with who he comes in contact with. If the wrong people come into his life while he is not prepared, it could be very bad for him and for your world. So once again, be very careful with whoever comes into his life. Thank you and take good care of Jammal.
P.S. Do not remove his necklace. It is the key to his future.
The letter wasn’t signed by anyone. Ms. Meeks balled it up and shoved it into her pocket. She shook her head. “That was a very strange letter. I wonder what it’s all about?” she said to herself as she looked down at the baby. She took a deep breath. “Hmm, special huh, I wonder what’s so special about you?”
Jammal looked at her with a bright smile. Ms. Meeks couldn’t resist the fact that he was such a beautiful baby. She quickly picked him up and smiled back. As soon as she did, Jammal’s mouth opened as wide as it could get and without warning, he spit up all over her blouse.
“Goodness gracious little man, you can really pack a lot of food in you!”
Jammal started to laugh as Ms. Meeks quickly took him inside of the orphanage.
She walked into the lobby, holding the new baby. She was now ready to introduce him to the rest of the kids. “Hey everyone, I have someone that I would like you to meet,” all of the children quickly turned and noticed the baby in Ms. Meeks hands. “Say hello to, little Jammal.”
The kids jumped up and quickly ran over to them. One little girl looked into his eyes. “Ooh, he’s so small and cute.”
“Yeah, he looks like a Teddy bear,” another kid said.
Jammal was a hit at the orphanage. All of the kids instantly fell in love with him, and so did Ms. Meeks.
After all of the introductions were complete, Ms. Meeks took Jammal into a bedroom that was close to hers. This room was empty and only occupied by infants. Since Jammal was the only one in the orphanage, the entire room was his. As she walked into the room, she gently placed him inside of the crib. “Okay honey, you’ll be just fine in here. I have to go to my office for a minute. I’ll be right back okay?” she said with a smile on her face. Jammal lay quietly in the crib as she walked out of the room and into her office just a few feet away.
Ms. Meeks quickly placed a folder onto her desk and put ‘New Child’ papers in it. As soon as she placed the pen onto the paper, every space on the forms were quickly filled in. Her eyes popped out as she looked the papers over in shock. The baby’s birth date was marked April 16, 1990 and only his first name was written on the top of the page. In every other space where specific answers were needed were the words, ‘Not Available.’
Ms. Meeks couldn’t believe what she was looking at. She continuously looked over the papers, she shook her head in disbelief. “I must be dreaming. This couldn’t have happened,” she said to herself. After a few minutes of looking over the papers, she took a deep breath to gather herself and closed the folder. Ms. Meeks thought about the time of day. She must have been very tired. That was the only explanation that she could come up with that would make any sense of what she just witnessed. Confused and thinking that she was seriously overworked, Ms. Meeks slowly got up and walked back to the room that she placed Jammal in.
As the orphanage had finally quieted down for the evening, Ms. Meeks knew that this would be the perfect opportunity for her to get acquainted with her new resident. As soon as she looked into the crib, she noticed Jammal smiling back at her. “Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest thing. Every time you look at me, you smile. It just makes me want to pick you up and hug you so tight, but I won’t even dare do that because you might just make another mess on me.”
As she continued to look at this beautiful baby, she noticed the necklace that was around his neck. It was a black leather rope with a shiny stone hanging from it in the shape of a teardrop. She studied it for a while and suddenly remembered the letter that she shoved into her pocket. She quickly pulled it out and read it again. The last part of the letter really grabbed her attention. “P.S. Do not remove his necklace. It is the key to his future.”
She was very curious but also confused by that part of the letter. She looked back at Jammal as he lay calm in the crib. “What does that mean, the key to your future?”
Ms. Meeks couldn’t help herself. She had to know what was so important with this baby’s necklace. She slowly reached for it. As she did, the stone started to get brighter. She didn’t know what was happening, so she pulled her hand away. The light in the stone slowly faded. “What in the world was that?” she said as she focused on it again.
She wanted to figure out what was happening, so this time, she quickly reached for the stone and touched it. As soon as she made contact with it, the stone lit up again and got very hot, burning the palm of her hand. Ms. Meeks quickly jumped back releasing the stone as quickly as she could. “Ow! Ouch!” she shouted as she started to blow on her hand to cool it off. “That was hot!”
The light in the stone started to get brighter as she waved her hand trying to rid it of the pain. The light quickly brightened the room, making Ms. Meeks forget about being burned. Many different colors started to flash off of the ceiling. As the light dimmed, a face appeared just above the crib. The eyes from the face were looking directly at Ms. Meeks.
“Hello young lady of Earth,” the face spoke in a very deep voice. “I am Menzuo’s father, Zenshuo. I am the king of planet Yardania. We are a friendly planet and we are the protectors of all existing planets within our universe.”
Ms. Meeks was frozen in place as she looked at king Zenshuo’s face, floating over the crib. Not one word could make it out of her mouth. As her legs grew weak, she quickly sat down in a chair next to the crib, never taking her eyes off of the king.
King Zenshuo spoke again as he noticed the shock that was clearly showing her face. “Do not worry young lady. I am not here to harm you. I am here to tell you why I need your help.”
Ms. Meeks, still not able to speak, worked up just enough nerve to nod, letting king Zenshuo know that she was paying attention.
The king continued. “My son, Menzuo has been sent to planet Earth to protect it from an evil Pirate Warrior that has been sent there to take it over and enslave the entire human race.”
Upon hearing that, Ms. Meeks finally was able to break her silence. “So…so how is he supposed to protect Earth? He’s just a baby?”
“I understand that,” king Zenshuo said with confidence. “You all are not in any immediate danger. The Pirate Warrior cannot take over Earth until Menzuo is destroyed.”
Ms. Meeks was now afraid for this baby’s life. “I cannot let anything happen to him. It would truly break my heart is someone or something hurt this child. I couldn’t live with myself.”
“Menzuo cannot be found as of yet. When I sent him to Earth, I placed a protective force-field around him that will last until his age of destiny, which is twelve Earth years.
“His age of destiny, what is that?” Ms. Meeks said still in a state of confusion.
“At the age of twelve, Menzuo will have the honor of fighting for Earth’s safety. By his twelfth birthday, he will be fully ready to take on this task, and hopefully he will succeed. If he does, he will be Earth’s true protector.”
Ms. Meeks started to rub her head, hoping to clear her mind as she looked up as king Zenshuo. “So, what does all of this have to do with me?”
He looked at her very seriously. “What I need from you is to make sure that Menzuo lives a normal life on planet Earth. He cannot know anything about where he is from or what his destiny is until the time is right. If he finds out anything about his true identity, my protective barrier will be broken and all of the evil that is on your planet will find him and make sure that he never breathes again.”
Ms. Meeks mouth dropped to the floor. “Well that’s just great news for me to know. I have a little superhero that some evil Pirate Warriors from outer space want to destroy. My life can’t get any better than this,” she placed her hands onto her temples and shook her head. “And what am I supposed to do, beat these things up and save the world until this baby is old enough to do it for me?” she said sarcastically.
Keeping the serious look on his face, king Zenshuo answered her. “No not at all. From this point on, Menzuo will be under your careful eyes. You will be able to watch him wherever he goes.”
She looked around the room then back up at king Zenshuo with a very unsure expression. “Um, you may not know this, but this is an orphanage. I can’t do anything if he’s adopted. How am I going to be able to watch him then?”
King Zenshuo looked down into the crib. “Inside of Menzuo’s blanket, you will find a bracelet. With that bracelet, you will be able to stay connected with Menzuo without anyone knowing, not even him. When you place this onto your arm, you will be able to contact him where ever he may be.”
Ms. Meeks stood from the seat and looked into the crib. Jammal was lying as calm as ever as she reached down into his blanket. She pulled the bracelet out and slipped it over her hand and onto her wrist. As she did, it quickly adjusted to her size and fit comfortably. “Wow!” she said as she noticed a picture of Jammal’s face appear on the top of it. The picture slowly faded.
King Zenshuo smiled. “Thank you young lady if Earth. I know that I can trust you with my son’s safety. I believe that you are the right person for Menzuo to talk to when times get rough. Do not worry, from this point on, I will make sure that you will be forever protected and cared for.”
Ms. Meeks looked at king Zenshuo without blinking. She still couldn’t believe what was happening to her. “Is…is there anything else that I should be aware of?” she said with a stutter.
“Yes there is,” king Zenshuo said in a soft tone. “In a short time, Menzuo’s protector will be joining him.”
“But how will I know who it is?” she said as she raised her shoulders.
“You will know, young lady of Earth. You will know,” king Zenshuo’s face slowly faded from the ceiling. As it did, the light that accompanied it, faded as well.
Ms. Meeks heart was racing as she looked down into the crib. “Boy oh boy, what in the world did you just get me into?” she fell back into the chair still dazed and confused. All of the excitement slowly made her fall asleep. She needed the rest.