Imagine a young elementary pupil sitting at his desk gazing out the window thinking of what he could be. The dreams are endless and provide him with a place to be all he can be. This blogger can certainly relate to the daydreaming scenario being a daily task.
We are living in a time where many individual have dreams that simply need an outlet to be seen and heard. Beyond the profanity laced lyrics of the latest rap hit and past the ever present bullying of our children, their is a need in our community to empower our youth to dream.
Thankfully there is a young gentleman who is embracing the call and not running from the challenge of being a mentor to our future leaders. Keshawn Dodds is a force to be reckoned with as he fearfully empowers those around him one publication at a time.
We recently had the opportunity of interviewing this amazingly talented young man and we must admit, we are impressed. Check out the interview and see for yourself how dedicated this young man is.
Keshawn, you are a successful young man who seems poised to make major moves. Share with our readers where you hail from and what is your background.
I’m from Springfield, Massachusetts, the home of basketball. I was born and raised in Springfield and still live here with my beautiful wife, Tami and our six year old daughter, Sydney. Also, we have the best guard dog, our Shi Tzu, Barkley.
I grew up in the center of the city, with my mother who had to raise me by herself when my father passed away at the age of seven. I have three older brothers who have helped guide me through life and have helped me find direction. Even though I grew up in a single family home, because of the neighborhood that I lived in, I never really felt at a loss. That motto of “It takes a village to raise a child,” truly exemplified the Dunmoreland Street families.
Perusing your site, one can tell that you have many irons in the fire. Share with us some of the things that you are involved in?
I tend to fill my plate with many things but I believe that I can do it all. Just to name a few, I am currently the Director of Greek Life at American International College. Working in Higher Education is a dream come true and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am also trying to become a well established author and this is where my true passion is. I write to inspire our youth to regain their love for education. I have a book series that is in the science fiction/fantasy genre, the Menzuo ~ Solar Warrior’s series.
I created this superhero a while back due to the loss of my best friend, Marcus McDowell in 1996. We lost him to prostate cancer at the age of eighteen. While in the hospital, we both created characters for our mini comic book. Unfortunately, Marcus never got to see a finished product as he passed away eleven months after his diagnosis, but as he left this world, he left me with the greatest gift, a starting point for a story. I ended up expanding the comic into a full-fledged novel and series. I now use it to inspire our youth to enjoy the love of reading.
I am also a motivational speaker. I have traveled throughout Massachusetts and now I’m on the verge of expanding my reach into Connecticut. My goal as a motivational speaker is to help build the confidence of the people that I speak to so that they can reach their goals and find success in their lives. I believe that I can create superheroes in this world with my words. We need people to believe in their abilities to reach greatness. There is so much more that I am doing, volunteer wise and educationally but if I go into that, I’d be writing another book!
Please give our readers more insight into your comic book premise and plot?
As people read my first book, they quickly understand that the superhero that I created is more than just some kid trying to save planet earth. Here is the true breakdown of my first book, Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince. Jammal Hall a.k.a. Menzuo, is the lead character. That lead character is me, Keshawn Dodds.
Solar, Menzuo’s protector lives within the crystal that is on his necklace. Solar will be with Menzuo throughout the rest of his life and will help him to become a great warrior. Solar’s character is my best friend, Marcus McDowell. In this book, Menzuo and Solar must save planet Earth from the evil Pirate Warrior, known as Morbid. Of course you know what Morbid means, it means Death. Morbid represents the cancer that Marcus had while he was in his last eleven months of his life. I want my readers to understand that Marcus may have lost his battle to cancer but in my book, we both defeat Morbid, the cancer, together.
Amazing!! I notice that you have a unique gift of writing and drawing. When did you realize that you had a special gift?
Thanks for the credit with the drawing but I must concede that to my friend, Carl Harrison. He is the master behind the art of my Menzuo ~ Solar Warrior’s series. Carl is a student at the Art Institute of Boston and has taken Marcus’ artwork to new heights. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to work with him.
As for me, my gift is in writing the stories. I realized that I had this gift at a very young age. I was a closet comic book geek and loved creating my own stories. The first story that I wrote was at the age of seven. It was about all of the kids in my neighborhood going on daily adventures. I still remember the stories and maybe one day, I’ll turn that into a children’s book.
I am currently looking to be at the Harlem Book Fair of July 23, 2011. It is my goal to have a booth out there and I am in the process of working it out as we speak. Keep your fingers crossed. I hope that New York is ready for this bright smile.
To this day, when I write a story, it is as if I have a running movie in my head. The words turn into action and it allows me to create these very interesting books. People wonder if I ever have writer’s block and I say no because my imagination is so vivid, it will not allow any blockage. It’s an open faucet.
Being a blogger who has faced those who deem me too young to be successful. Share with our readers how you handle those who may doubt your brand.
I deal with those people the best way that I know how, I show them the true me. Success doesn’t have an age criteria. It is up to the individual to be ready and able to accept the responsibilities of what success brings. My brand as an author/motivational speaker is only validated by my presence and how I present myself and my product on a daily basis. The people who doubt my brand (and there are many) are always blown away when I get the opportunity to shine. They can’t believe how well prepared and focused that I am.
I love the doubters. As an athlete, I loved the underdog because when that underdog rose to the front and was now in first place, the shock and awe on people’s faces was priceless. I look at my brand in that underdog model. People are hesitant to give me a chance but when they open that door, I leave them saying that they should have met me earlier. I live to prove people wrong. I believe that’s the competitive spirit within me.
There are many young African American entrepreneurs who are striving to make a difference. What are five tips that you have found to be useful.
I have many tips that have helped me throughout my continued growth so I will try to do my best to break it down to my top five:
1. Always be prepared. You never know when an opportunity to represent yourself or your business will come. (I keep books in my trunk at ALL TIMES).
2. Stay humble. No one likes an over confident, or ‘hard to work with’ type of person. Doors will close quicker than they are open.
3. Believe in yourself. Don’t allow others to put barriers around you. If you believe in yourself, then nothing will stop your growth.
4. Keep your eyes and ears open. You never know what knowledge you will receive from others who may be on the same path that you are on. They may be able to help you miss those stumbling blocks and they can also help you reach a goal quicker because they already dealt with that rough road ahead.
5. Know your limits. Do not spread yourself too thin. It is very easy to lose focus on your goals if you are not organized. Make sure that all of your goals are in line with each other. It makes your journey much smoother.
Are you giving back to the community? If so, share with our readers how you give back?
This is the number one reason why I write. I give back to my community more than people realize. I volunteer time at after-school programs, I read to students at schools, I give reluctant readers copies of my books for free just to challenge them to not like it (I always win, they love it).
I mentor several youth on a one-on-one basis, and there is so much, more. I love doing these things because it helps to build the minds of our youth. I also love doing it because it’s who I am. I do not need the accolades, the awards for doing something that is so natural for me. Also, if you are wondering where my time with my family is, my wife and daughter are right alongside me, doing the same thing. My wife is highly involved in the education of the youth in our community and our daughter is helping as well. From birth, she knows the importance of giving back and that will help her to become a well rounded adult.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
I see myself holding the first ever book signing on the moon! Just kidding but that’s where my mind is. I think outside of the box. I actually see myself speaking around the country, continuing to build our youth’s respect for education through my books. My goal is to gain the needed recognition to continue to inspire others. I want people to understand that I do what I do, not to become super famous or rich. I do this because there is a need for true educational leadership. If and when I do make those big dollars, it will go right back into our communities with programs to help strengthen our educational systems. I am a true believer that education is the key to a successful life, and if I can have a positive impact in a person’s educational development, then my life is worthwhile.
Having a mentor/role model is always amazing. Do you have any and if so share with us who they are and how they influence you.
Yes I do, I have several but I will name just two. From the age of eight, my godfather, Milton Berry, has helped to keep me on the right path. He has helped me to see my full potential in sports, school and in life. He was the first person to expose me to my speaking ability, while as a member of the Keystone Club, at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club, Family Center. Milton ‘Diddy Bop’ Berry was great at understanding the minds of the kids that he worked with. I think that because of him, I work hard to change our youth’s lives because he did that for me.
As an author, I believe that you need to have a literary mentor and I am blessed to have the great, Joe Young as a mentor. Joe Young owns Young’s Studios in Hartford, Connecticut, and is also an avid artist and now best selling fiction writer. His book, ‘Diamond Rough,’ hit the Amazon.com bestsellers list last year. He is also currently working on turning that book into the movie and he’s lucky to have Michael Jai White, starring as the leading role. Joe and I talk often and he has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the steps that I need to take as I move forward with my writing career.
A firm foundation is key in the area of business. Share with our readers how you handle stressful situations and circumstances.
I take deep breaths!!! Honestly, back in 2005, I was honored to work as a Mayoral Aide under our past Mayor of the city of Springfield, Charles V. Ryan. During this time, I got the opportunity to work under some of the most stressful situations that any person could ever work under. Our city was going through a state takeover, corruption flooded the city, teachers, police and firefighters didn’t have contracts and on top of that, our communities were neglected.
As a Mayoral Aide, you represent the Mayor as if you were the Mayor himself so you are on the front lines, dealing with these issues on a daily basis. Having to deal with this type of stress taught me that there is a solution to every problem and every problem cannot be fixed over night.
As I have moved into the area of higher education and life as an author/motivational speaker, I have learned to accept who I am as a person and I truly can see my way through any stressful situation that I may be confronted with. I tend to go back in my mind to my time in that Mayor’s Office just to remind myself that no obstacle that I will face now will EVER be as stressful as my time in there. That usually lightens the load for me. Being able to compare the stress of today with the life challenges that I have had tends to keep my blood pressure low.
It is always refreshing to see a young education gentleman determined to make a difference in the literary world. There are so many who have endless amounts of dreams but no outlet to express them. Keshawn has managed to express him talents in a artistic manner that was simply birthed from his grieving process.
We are sure that his beloved friend Marcus is smiling down with complete joy and here at LIRM we hail him a up and coming artistic trendsetter.
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