It has been a long seven years but as of May 2010, PublishAmerica has returned the rights to my book, 'Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince," back to me. It was great to have the opportunity to be a published author under PublishAmerica but I feel that I will have greater success moving forward being able to publish my series on my own.
With the re-release of the first book of my juvenile fiction series, the readers will be able to see the changes that have been made to the book. The addition of new illustrations and greater detailed information about the storyline brings the book to new heights.
I have been working with illustrator, Carl harrison (http://www.houseofcarl.blogspot.com/) with the recreation of the book, Carl has taken this opportunity to and brought Menzuo to new heights. His extraordinary work will keep the readers enticed throughout the book. His illustrations brings the story together like never before.
I am also greatful to have the opportunity to work with and learn from Joe Young of 'Young Studios World' out of Hartford, CT (http://www.youngstudiosworld.com/). It is with great hope that with his guidance, Carl and I will be able to animate Menzuo in the next year.
Please be on the lookout for the re-release of Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince. You can also purchase the second book of the series, Menzuo S.W. Solar Warriors Legend of the Blue Diamond at http://www.iuniverse.com/ or through me.
This is a great new beginning for me as I prepare to release the third installment of my series in October. Menzuo-Solar Warriors, Judgment Set Upon Earth is complete and the final touches are being applied.
If you are interested in pre-ordering a copy of my re-release of Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince or a copy of the second book, Menzuo S.W. Solar Warriors, Legend of the Blue Diamond, please contact me at: keshawndodds@gmail.com. Please keep me in your prayers.
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