Thursday, June 10, 2010

Loss of a Great Man!

On the Morning of June 9, 2010, this world allowed a great man to enter the after-life and has been welcomed by the Lord back into his home. Douglas Skinner, the father of my best friend and brother, Marcus McDowell, the father to my other brother, Alonzo McDowell, and also my other father ended his battle with cancer. Dad has been a solid rock and a true example of how a man should be as he grows through the years. As I grew into the man that I am today, I can truly say that he played an intricle part in my development into manhood.

At the age of seven, I lost my father, King Dodds to cancer and lost one great man. But as the years have past, Douglas Skinner along with my step-father Alex O'Neil picked up the slack and carried me in ways that no other man could do for someone elses child. Dad, 'Douggy' never left my side or ever let me feel that I didn't have a father even though my blood father was gone.

He tought me tough life lessons and even laid the belt to my bottom when needed. He never once looked at me as someone elses child. I was and always will be his son. He made space in his heart for me and cared for me as if I was his blood. He is the true example what a man is to be.

As I think of all of the things that Doug has done for me through the years, I can honestly say that he was my true hero. He believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. He pushed me even when I didn't think that I could take another step. He carried me when I couldn't walk. He is my father and I love him forever.

I know now that Doug is sitting with his son Marcus and my father King looking down at us and smiling. I can still hear the words coming from him. "Son, I love you, I love you, I love, I love you. You have made me so proud and I am a better man because of it."

Even though we are a part, we will see each other again and will be able to laugh and sing and be together. I will not say goodbye but, see you later because that's what I will do. I love you dad and "See you later."

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