A special thank you goes out to Benjamin Smith of D.R.E.A.M. Studios and also Darryl Moss, for helping me push this play to completion on May 12, 2012 and not allowing anything to sidetrack me. You two have great minds and your knowledge is helping me become a better man in what I am trying to accomplish. Also, a great big thank you to AIC for providing me with a great intern in Rhea Pascal, your ability to complete all of the tasks that have been put in front of you has shown me and also everyone working on this play that you are the real deal.
To Adriana Johnson, owner of iCrack Designs, your design of the poster for the play has catapulted this movement and has made everyone open their eyes to what is to come. Also the new design of the book cover for my novel, “Who’s On My Side? The Story of Kalen Brown,” has captured every bit of what the book is about. You are a talented and gifted woman and I know there will be more to come working with you.
To Carole Troll, you believed in me from the beginning of this project and your energy and spirit carry’s me to new heights. Your continued blessings and help with developing this script is so helpful. I am lucky to have such a talented actress, jazz singer and mother by my side, thank you.
To Darian Murray of LIRM, brother, you are blessed and I am blessed that our paths have met up. Your insight and encouragement has continued to keep me moving. I believe in you just as much as you believe in me. Let’s keep this ball rolling.
As you can see, as of February 13, 2012, I have some great people behind me and in full support of my dream of making this project a complete success. My supporters will continue to grow and I will continue to thank them for believing in me. I am so ready for this to come to life. Keep following the movement. “Who’s On My Side?” COMING SOON!!!
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