Thursday, August 19, 2010


The day has finally come. August 19th is here and the Re-release of Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince is set for 6:30pm. So many new ventures will be revealed tonight that will make this journey of continuing to educate our youth such a joy. I only pray that tonight, people will jump on the band wagon with me and enjoy this journey. This is my time to make some noise for Springfield as a true place to have your children become educated young men and women.

Tonight, get ready to hear how this story came about, the influences in my life that guided me through each and every word on each page written and where I plan on taking this series. God has blessed me above and beyond what I could have ever expected. My life's mission is to continue to educate, educate, educate our youth. Yes I said it three times because it is that important for me to make this clear.

This is no hustle, this is a gift from God. I have been given the gift to be able to articulate a story through books and help to open the imagination of people from all walks of life. I believe that if a child reads my books, they will continue to read others. I have created this for all of you to enjoy and will continue this journey.

Please make your way out the my book event tonight at American Internationl College at 6:30pm. Come and meet my illustrator. The first 20 kids that walk through the door will recieve a nice gift from him and also from me. GET READY SPRINGFIELD...KESHAWN DODDS IS BACK!!!

Thank you God for everything.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry I missed this event, when will you be appearing again? I would love to bring my nephews & buy them books. I think you would be a great role model for them! I wish you success!
