Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Republishing Process is Complete

After six long years, I have finally got the rights back to my book, Menzuo in the Calling of the Sun Prince, from PublishAmerica. I have published the second edition of the book under Lulu Publishing, Inc. and have full rights to my book. That means that I can shop it around with no hassle at all.

The process of formatting the book and getting it into book form wasn’t difficult at all. Reading to Lulu layouts really helped me to have a successful process. Now you can order the book in two ways. Just to your right, you can click on either book and it will bring you directly to each books book store and you can purchase it and have it sent to you directly, or you can click on the Paypal button and order your signed copy directly from me.

I have to thank Carl Harrison for working on this project with me. It is an honor to work with such a talented young man.

Thank you all for your continued support and I hope that you enjoy the new editions to the first book.

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